Monday, January 9, 2012


So we officially made it a whole year!  Although there was never any doubt that we would make it this far, and be together for many more to come, it was still exciting!

We had decided to go low-key since we are trying to buy a house this year and use the gift card the Stanko's got us for Christmas to Darden restaurants... we chose Longhorn Steakhouse as we felt it was the most "upscale" and classy for our romantic dinner.

Apparently when you want to go to dinner at Longhorn on a Saturday, you better be expecting to eat at 3! We got there at 4:30 and there was a 55 minute wait!  That is insane!!!  So, we went to the Ground Round by our house and are going to have our anniversary dinner tonight instead.

Our dear friends Melanie, Amy and Eddie came over to eat cake with us.  The cake was not as terrible as I expected it to be, although we all took a few bites and the trash got the rest.  It dried out a little and it seemed like the Baileys filling took over everything.  Anyway, after hanging out with our friends we were just too tired to do our love letters from our love letter ceremony.  We decided to read them tonight after dinner.

All in all, I don't think I'm going to be big on anniversaries.  At least not until we get to 5 years, or maybe after we have kids and don't have time to ourselves anymore!  For now, it just seems like any other day.  Just the two of us having dinner... like usual.

But we have had a fantastic year!  Here are some of the highlights:
Getting married in Disney World
Our honeymoon to Mexico
Moving to Moon
Big job promotions (for me at least!)
Taking our dream Disney cruise with 15 of our friends
celebrating with many of our friends as they become parents and we become surrogate aunt and uncle
and many more that I can't think of...

Looking forward to another fun year full of surprises!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Traditions

Well, it's been a really long time since I've blogged here.  Mainly because I really don't think I have anything interesting to say.

Well, as the new year is upon us, for the first time I have set some new years goals.  Not only is January 1st the beginning of a new year, it also serves as the end of our first year of marriage (technically the 7th, but we will use the 1st for the sake of setting goals..)

We have had an amazing year.  Whoever said the first year is the hardest must have a totally different kind of relationship with their spouse, because we both agree it has been nothing but fun!  But for more on the last year, check back on the 7th!

Back to the goals.  I usually don't set goals because I usually do a pretty good job at breaking them immediately.  This year, however, I am going to work really hard to stay on track.

My first goal of the new year is to blog at least twice a week.  Yikes, I really need to get my writing back in some practice!
Second, Kevin and I have made a decision to find a church in the area we can join and attend weekly (of course we failed on the first day of the year at going, but we gave ourselves a pass to start next week!)
And lastly I am going to REALLY try to have a good relationship with my mother in law.  I hope I didn't cause any of my friends to fall off their chairs - I did say try!

I have some other goals in there as well, but they are not so much new years goals, they are just things we hope to achieve this year and are not yet noteworthy.

So welcome to 2012 blog friends!  Cheers to a brand new year!