Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rodents and Ducks are expensive

Long before our Disney wedding was official, Kevin and I debated over which characters to have at the wedding.  We had planning on having a character "couple" and couldn't decide.  Once we got engaged, we ruled out Mickey and Minnie.  Truth be told, I am not that much of a Mickey and Minnie Mouse fan.  I think they are cute, but I really only like Mickey because he is the symbol of Disney.  I enjoy seeing Mickey around, but in the 20 or so times we've been to Disney, I have never once met Mickey Mouse.  I know... strange.

We don't really have a character we both love together.  In fact, although everytime we are there (and next time I am insisting on it) we never see any characters.  The only time we've ever seen a character together was on our first trip together in September 2007.  We were coming off of Aladdin's magic carpets and there, with no one around them, was Briar Bear and Briar Fox.  We got our picture, vowing to frame it with all of our Disney character pictures, but as it turns out, it is the one and only! (And also our very first picture together at Disney World!)

So being that there were no characters special to our relationship, we narrowed it down to Chip and Dale, who are my absolute favorite, or Donald and Daisy Duck.  After looking at so many wedding pictures at Disney we were really leaning toward the ducks. 

I mean seriously, how cute are they!  So, it was all settled, Donald and Daisy it was.... until....

We were going over our wedding budget (which I might add I am doing a really good job of keeping under budget, although it is extremely hard!)  Well, to invite these adorable ducks for a half-hour to our reception (during which no alcohol can be served while they are there) is $1200.  Yes, TWELEVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!

That is too much, even for me who can usually rationalize everything!  So after really thinking it over, we have decided that we can do so much more with $1200 than spend a half-hour with Donald and Daisy, or any character really.  So the ducks got cut. 

I appologize if you were really hoping to get some quality time in with the ducks at our reception.  You're going to have to go to the parks and wait in the ridiculously long lines to get your picture with them unless Dinsey drops their prices drastically (not going to happen!) or we hit the lottery!

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