Thursday, May 13, 2010

Quiet Time

Well for the few followers I have, since I have been terrible about posting, HELLO!

I believe my "quiet time" in the wedding planning process is quickly drawing to an end. Sure I have been doing small wedding details like tying bows on the bubble wands and other mundane tasks that closer to the wedding I will be way too stressed out to enjoy or want to do! I figured I am trying to get as much of that little stuff done so I can worry about all the other litte stuff I decide to add last minute! :) Poor Kevin's been a pretty good sport about it all, looking at the bows and program mock-ups I have created. He is going to really miss Michelle when she leaves since I turn to her with all wedding craft questions since Kevin has stated he wants to be involved in the music, the food and what gifts the groomsmen get and doesn't really care about the other decisions.

This week we officially started blocking rooms at our Disney resorts and are working through our contract to lock it all in. After it's 100% finalized I can kick into high gear, really starting to design the wedding, the programs, invitations and all the other fun I have planned! We are also getting very excited for our planning session in July. I'll keep you updated as things unfold with the weddings and the lives of the soon-to-be Taylors.

In the meantime, before things start to get wedding crazy, we are working to finish our kitchen renovation, the first full project we have taken on in the house. Ugh, what a lot of work, but it looks sooo nice!!!

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