Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm a bad blogging bride!

I admit it, I'm a bad blogging bride!  Honestly, right now there isn't too much to share, and the things that I am doing are in such early phases that they aren't ready to be shown to the world (or the three people that read this!)  I guess this "planning blog" is going to morph into a little planning and some other life things. In addition to not too much to share, I've been busy with school work and trying to get this house all together!  We are taking on a roommate, my friend Michelle, which means that I HAVE to have one of the extra bedrooms cleaned out by this weekend as she will be moving in April 1st!  We are really excited to have Michelle come live with us for awhile.  She is from Indiana (the state) and was living in a lonely apartment on the North Shore and is staying here until at least August, when she will move back home with her fiance and get married!  We are going to have so much fun wedding planning while she is here!  Hopefully that will mean more updates too!

So, as I promised, I am updating the Save the Dates.  I blew the magnet up and besides it being a little pixel-y and the fact that apparently my scanner needs cleaned asap, it doesn't look too bad.  I also have one part of the newsletter that went out with it.

I am going to try to be a better blogger now that school will be coming to a close next month.  Maybe tomorrow I will update on our planning session trip we have planned!  Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! You're back!! Thanks for the shout-out!! Woot Woot!
