Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's a Small World After All

So... today was the day we officially received our wedding planner!  For those of you who don't know exactly how Disney weddings work, we have had a coordinator up until now to answer any basic questions we may have.  Once we sign our letter of agreement and pay our deposit, we get assigned a personal wedding planner who will help us plan everything and be there up until the lights come on at the reception and we retreat back to our hotel as a married couple.

I have to admit, I was nervous.  Growing up around weddings and being naturally obsessed I know how important a wedding planner can be.  If you get someone pushy or someone you don't click with, then planning can turn from a dream into a nightmare very quickly. 

Nerves = GONE!  We got a call today from Diane, who sounds like SUCH a sweetheart!  We were chatting about the wedding when she goes "15236 is that Bethel?"  Woah, no one from Florida knows where Bethel Park is....   She then proceeds to tell me she grew up in Mt. Lebo and when she finally moved to Florida a few years ago, she was living in Bethel Park.  WHAT A SMALL WORLD!!  So needless to say, I feel much more comfortable that we already have common ground!  Looks like everything is falling into place...  now if the next 7 months will just hurry up and fly by!!!

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