Sunday, June 6, 2010

What makes you excited??

Ok so since there's not too much going on in our wedding world at the moment, I haven't had too much to blog about. June is proving to be a VERY busy month! This weekend we were celebrating the bachelor/bachelorette parties of two of our dear friends who are getting married in two weeks! They are having a loosly-based Disney wedding here in Pittsburgh. I will be sure to share pictures! Tomorrow we have the "Jean Sitar Invitational" -- the Westmoreland County Chamber's annual golf outing that is honoring my mom this year. It should be a great time and what a great honor for my mom's memory!

So, many of you have been asking when you should be receiving things from Disney and the answer is ANY DAY NOW! We officially signed the contract last week (Woo Hoo!!!!) so they said they would send them right out!

So back to the theme of today's post. What makes you excited? For Kevin it's golf or any sports really. For me, no surprise here, it's Disney. We have successfully planned a trip every 6 months or so up until August 2011! And the months leading up to the trip are spent planning our time and our dining plans. No, we're not crazy with the planning and like to leave a lot of "open" time for whatever comes up, but our trip in July will be a busy one because of all the wedding stuff going on. So we basically just lay out special things we want to do and what days to do them on so they go well with our dining reservations. Sometimes looking at everything online makes us long to be there, so what a better thing than to be there virtually.

No, I don't mean using one of those google earth programs to look at the places on stills and just miss it more. I also am not talking about the Walt Disney Wolrd Explorer CD-ROM I have where you can virtually ride the rides AND pick out hidden mickeys. Yes, this is how I spent my middle school nights since I've never been a big fan of sleeping at night. I am talking about this wonderful radio station I found! It's called Sorcerer Radio . It gives you all the songs that are played around the WDW Parks and it really makes you feel like you're there.

Although we listen to this as a way to get excited to go back to our favorite place, it may be fun to listen to if you've never been there as well. It gives you a sense of the magic and it is not the usual "cheesy" music. Yes, sometimes there will be a Disney movie song on, but usually it is songs from the parades, attractions and different countries around the world! It's definitely worth checking out! I am newly addicted to it and fear that it will leave me longing for Disney more than I already do. Le sigh. Only 41 more days until we're there and only 214 days until we're all there celebrating together!!!

1 comment:

  1. I bet you didn't know that Buckethead has been working on an all-Disney album for the last 13 years. Just thought I'd throw that out there...
